The 5 Things You Must Know Before Your Next Thyroid Visit
Learn About The Most Fundamental Concepts That When You Understand Them You Can Become A More Informed Participant In Your Health Care (versus being along for the ride of a physician who is most likely not as motivated as you are to find the answers and solutions for why you don't feel well).
What if you can take control of your own thyroid health and feel great again?
In this exclusive guide, I will provide you with some of the questions and concerns that might be swirling around in your brain, and provide you with some tools to put you in a better position for your next thyroid visit.
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What You'll Discover from This Free, Downloadable PDF Guide:
- The tests that compose a comprehensive thyroid panel.
- The most common cause of hypothyroidism.
- Why you CAN have hypothyroid symptoms even when your TSH and T4 are normal.
- Why TSH is NOT a valid indicator of thyroid hormone physiology.
- Cellular Hypothyroidism and how to determine if you have it.
Download Your FREE Guide to The 5 Things You Must Know Before Your Next Thyroid Visit Today!
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